AudioCodes Fax Connection Software
The Fax Connector is the required backend software that connects the HTTPS Fax ATA to existing fax solutions. This is the connection point for deployed HTTPS Fax ATAs and the fax solution that is sending or receiving faxes. It has two main functions: managing the HTTPS sessions of the connected Fax ATAs and communicating with fax solution that is sending or receiving faxes. For service or VoIP providers, the Fax Connector software is installed within their network or the cloud. Businesses using a premise-based fax server would install the Fax Connector software either next to or on their fax server system. Flexibility and transparency are key to allow businesses and providers easy methods to integrate reliable and secure connections to fax machines for their user base. The Fax Connector supports the following connection methods: Email, Web Service, and Native Fax Server Connections.